Outdoor swimming events that connect you with some of the most beautiful stretches of water in the country.

Experience a true sense of belonging. A feeling of being at one with the water, with nature and the world around you. Wild swimming is a personal journey, so we’ve created a series of glorious outdoor swimming events to suit everyone. 

All of the money raised and profits from our events go towards 1-1 swimming lessons for children with disabilities across the UK. Learn more about our swimming lessons here.

If you’ve got any questions about any of our events, you can contact Colette via Whatsapp

Outdoor Swimming: Rivers

  • Dart10k

    Outdoor swimming’s greatest journey

  • Bantham Swoosh

    A stunning 6km river swim in Devon

  • Bantham Boomerang

    How far can you swim before the tide turns?

  • Bantham Mini-Swoosh

    A short, open water swim for kids

  • Hurly Burly/Bwrlwm Bermo

    A fast 10km in Snowdonia


By volunteering at a Level Water event you’re helping these iconic swims to happen. You’ll receive a little gift from Level Water, a lot of love from us and the swimmers and an incredible day out. They just couldn’t happen without you.

Doing your own challenge?

Humans can achieve incredible things and we know you have an idea for an amazing swimming challenge.

Let us know what you want to do and we’ll do our best to help you do it!

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