
Date: 2025 TBC
Distance: 6km
Start location: Aveton Gifford
Finish Location: Bantham Beach
Swim Time: TBC

General Entry: TBC
Charity Entry: TBC
Fundraising Target: £250
Age limit: 18+

Register your interest for the 2025 Bantham Swoosh

Charity Place

Charity tickets are now sold out.

Ballot Entry

The ballot is now closed for the 2024 Bantham Swoosh.

If you’d like to join us in Bantham next year you can sign up to a charity place, take on the Bantham Boomerang or volunteer for us and get priority entry into the 2025 Bantham Swoosh.

The Bantham Swoosh

The Bantham Swoosh is a world class 6km swim in the Avon (Aune) estuary in Devon. The estuary is both shallow and sandy bottomed – so water can be clear rather than muddy, and swimmers often have a view of the sandy bed most of the way.

The swim culminates in a “swoosh” as the ebbing tide is funnelled through a narrow section of river, speeding you along over the riverbed at up to four times your usual swimming speed. It can run at 8 knots and you might spot the local crabs cruising around the river bed beneath you. It’s exciting, invigorating, beautiful and fun.

Swim Difficulty

The Bantham Swoosh requires you to have good experience of swimming outdoors.  The weather in Bantham is variable so you’ll need to practice swimming outdoors in all weather conditions to become accustomed to choppy, cold water.  If you are taking this on as your first longer outdoor event, you should plan to build up your outdoor swimming distance, and practice in colder and choppy conditions. 

Not sure what to expect of the Bantham Swoosh? Have a read of the 2023 Event Report and FAQs and all your questions will be answered.

Saturday 6 July - Sunset Swim

The Bantham Boomerang takes place in the same, beautiful river as the Bantham Swoosh, and on the same day! However, it offers you a slightly different challenge and is seen as the big brother to the Bantham Swoosh.

We simply ask, ‘How far can you swim before the tide turns?’

Starting about an hour before the high tide, swimmers make their way up river from Bantham Beach (the finish of the Swoosh) in the golden hour. You’ll swim as far as you can with the tide before the tide turns. You’ll know when it’s ready as you see and feel the turn in nature and your watery surrounds (if you’re not sure, the lifeguards will tell you!) You’ll then swim back to Bantham Beach with the outgoing tide, arriving at sunset and swimming somewhere between 6km and 10km.

The perfect event for those who have already taken part in the Bantham Swoosh and want to return to this stunning part of the world for a new, iconic challenge.

The Bantham Swoosh Walk

The Bantham Swoosh is set in an incredibly beautiful part of the UK. Which is why we’ve added in a guided walk for supporters who are dropping you off in Aveton Gifford. This means they can see you off at the start, see you swimming at certain places along the river and then meet you at the finish in Bantham. The walk will be led by the Ramblers Association

  • The walk will be lead by a local resident so you won’t get lost

  • It’s about 3.5 miles and should take between an hour and an hour and a half

  • We will run shuttle buses for swimmers and spectators back to Aveton Gifford after the swim

  • It’s steep in places with uneven surfaces throughout, so please come prepared with the correct footwear

  • It’s not suitable for wheelchairs or prams

  • Dogs are allowed but please keep them on the lead at all times

When registering, please choose the option to park at Aveton Gifford and then ‘guided walk’.

The best way to know what the Bantham Swoosh is like is to have a read of the 2023 event report.

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