Finisterre Blue Friday

Everyone should have the opportunity to learn to swim and fall in love with the water. A belief shared by Level Water and Finisterre. Which is why we’re working together this ‘Blue Friday’ to raise money for 1-1 swimming lessons for children with disabilities.

Swimming is like nothing else. The skills you develop, the confidence you build and the joys you feel are all universal. Yet access to swimming for children with disabilities in the UK is not. And by collaborating with brands, like Finisterre, we hope to change that.

We know that swimming is a true leveller. The water takes your weight. It relieves pain and offers freedom and independence that many of our children never experience elsewhere. And by giving children with disabilities the opportunity to learn to swim we are teaching them to be strong and confident swimmers.  To be able to access a lifetime of experiences in, on, and around the water. To swim, surf, sail and play. 

From physical development to social and emotional confidence, swimming is a vehicle to change their lives for the better.


Mini Swoosh 2022


Swim Trek support Level Water in 2023